pE - The "perfect" Editor(tm) Copyright (c) 1990-1993 by Just Excellent Software, Inc. These notes are addendum to the printed pE manual. Release 4.02 - Sep 16, 1993 ------------ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Ignore Zero switch³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Normally, the way pE tells if a file is ASCII or not is to look for a binary zero (hex 00). When found, pE presumes the file is not ASCII and puts out the message 'UNKOWN Format', and offers to convert to a HEX display. pE will not search through such a file, either. If you start pE with /I for ignore zeros, pE will change all such zeros to blank characters and read the file as though it were ASCII. DO NOT EDIT AND THEN SAVE SUCH A FILE. Odds are you will wind up with complete garbage. In fact best to open a file in view only mode after you set the /I. Alt-V calls the file chooser for view-only opening of a file. Any zeroes found past the character hex 1A (decimal 26, ^Z) are converted to space characters and the file is decoded as though it were ASCII. This is to accomodate ASCII files created by strange programs that pad out to block boundaries with zeroes after inserting a ^Z at 'end of file'. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³File Selection³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The file chooser now allows selection of multiple files. The space bar will toggle selection on/off. Alt (or Ctrl) T, U, and I will also T(ag) all, U(ntag) all, or I(nvert) tags. Once one or more files are tagged, pressing Enter will load them all. Pressing F4 (delete), will make pE offer to delete one at a time or all. Please be careful. Answering 'A' for All will delete all the marked files, without further questions. A count of tagged items is displayed in the upper right border of the chooser window. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Drive Select³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The file chooser now displays disk drive letters for your selection by mouse or keyboard. To rapidly get to the drive letter 'A' simply type '['. The highlight will immediately advance to '[A:]'. If you press '[' again, you will cycle through all of the drive letters on your computer. The auxiliary window will show what the current directory is for each of the various drives. pE will position to that directory if the drive highlited is selected. Note that pressing a single '.' will always get to '..\' which is the symbol for the directory one level up from your current directory. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Add Block³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ pE will add a column of numbers for you! Just mark using Alt-B (rectangular block) and press ^a_b (add block). The numbers do not have to be aligned and decimals are OK. The only restriction is that a number cannot have more than 6 digits past the decimal point. Decimal points do not have to be aligned, there can be blank lines in the block as well as spaces before or after the number, but not between characters of the number. --------- |123 | | 456 | adds up to 1368 | 789| --------- just as --- |123| |456| adds up to 1368 |789| --- ----------- |1.234 | | 23| adds up to 35.3907 |2.4567 | |8.7 | ----------- just as ------- | 1.234 | |23 | adds up to 35.3907 | 2.4567| | 8.7 | ------- The total is inserted at the current cursor position when the command is executed, so mark the block, end the mark, and position where you want the total printed before pressing ^a_b. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Searching through files³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ There's a way to make pE search directories, and subdirectories much faster. When pE brings up the file chooser, what files are shown and searched is determined by: - Any mask from the command line or entered in the 'auxiliary' window. The auxiliary window is where the file size, date, etc are shown. - For searches, any mask entered in the 'Mask' field of the search dialog - The "excluded" extensions. By default, these are: þ EXE - these are executable file þ COM - same þ OBJ - the results of a compile step þ OVL - common extension for executable overlays þ LIB - collection of OBJ's þ $$$ - 'temporary' files þ BMP - Bit map files þ GIF - picture files þ ZIP - pkzip archive files Unless you direct otherwise, files having these extensions are EXCLUDED from the directory display. If you press Alt-H (hex toggle) with the file chooser active, then all of these exclusions are removed and you get to see all files in the directory. Choosing one will then display a HEX dump format of that file. - These files are excluded because they are not text files in the strictest sense. Their formats are unknown to pE and it can only display and edit them as HEX dumps. - When searching from the file chooser, files having those extensions are also excluded. Once again, pE does not know what the format of these files are. There can be other files, having other extensions, that you may wish NOT to be presented in the file chooser. Create a file named EXCLUDED.PED. You may put this file into a particular directory or you may put this file in pE's 'home directory', ie, from where pE is loaded. When pE wakes up, it first looks in the current directory, then in the home directory, and finally if it doesn't find a file named EXCLUDED.PED it assigns the default excluded extensions named above. Most typically, when you are searching for text, you do not need to search through executable files that you have not created. By excluding specific files identified by their extensions, you restrict searching to only those files that may be relevant. Of course if you've segregated your text files by putting them in a separate directory, you don't have these problems. But if you're like many people who keep text and exe's combined, then EXCLUDED.PED is for you. The format of EXCLUDED.PED is very simple. - one entry per line - the extension only (up to 3 characters, NO dot or period) - Up to 40 extensions may be excluded. - If the file is empty, ie only a single blank line, there will be NO exclusions and all files will be processed. - If you have an EXCLUDED file then you must put all of the extensions you wish excluded there. Its an all or nothing proposition. - for WordPerfect directories that contain the WP executable, I recommend the following exclusions be in EXCLUDED.PED in the wpNN directory. þ EXE | þ COM | þ OBJ | þ OVL | All as above þ LIB | þ $$$ | þ BMP | þ GIF | þ ZIP | þ FRS |<-- plus the ones starting here þ VRS | þ PRS | most of these are pieces of WordPerfect þ FIL | and need not be considered when you look þ PIF | at, or search through this directory. By þ ALL | putting EXCLUDED.PED in this directory, pE þ DRS | will exclude these extension only when you þ QRS | access files in this directory. If you put þ IRS | this file in pE's home directory, then files þ LRS | having these extensions would be excluded þ MRS | everywhere. Just make SURE you do not use þ SET | any of these extensions yourself! þ CRS | þ DVP | þ INS | þ LCN | - Remember, extensions in this file don't get searched and files having these extension don't apear in the file chooser. - This can be a very useful feature to keep the number of files you need to deal with to a small number. Release 4.01 Aug 12, 1993 ------------ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Enhanced Search Features³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ pE has a brand new Search and Replace dialog! ÉÍÍ[ ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ºSearch For ºÛÛ ºÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛºÛÛ ºÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĺÛÛ ºReplace With ºÛÛ ºÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛºÛÛ ºÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĺÛÛ º [ ] Backward [ ] Case Sensitive ºÛÛ º [ ] Find All [ ] Pattern (Reg Exp) ºÛÛ º [ ] All Windows [ ] Load all Matches ºÛÛ º [ ] Search SubDirs Mask:*.* ºÛÛ ºÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĺÛÛ º < OK > < Cancel > ºÛÛ º ºÛÛ ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Ctrl+Enter to Start Search ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ If you press Alt-F(ind) or Alt-R(eplace) or Shift F5 (Found List, the above dialog box appears. If no search string is defined, pressing FindForward (F5) or FindBackward (F6) will call up the dialog box, as well. - if you're doing a search, type in what to look for in the area underneath the "Search For". - then check any buttons you want by using the space bar, the letter x, the highlited letter, or the mouse to set a backward search (Backward), search for all occurrences in one file (Find All), in All Windows (All Windows), Make the search Case Sensitive (must match upper and lower case exactly), and the search string is a Regular Expression (Pattern). You will need to review regular expressions in the peuser.txt file if you are not familiar with search patterns. - you move around the dialog box by using the arrow keys, the tab, or the enter. Pressing the first letter of any button will also move you to that button and check it on or off depending on what it was. Of course the mouse as can be used to navigate as well. - pressing ESC (escape) cancels any entry and returns to the editing screen. Clicking the Cancel button with the mouse or pressing Enter when the Cancel Button highlited will have the same effect. - Pressing the OK button with the mouse, or Enter when OK is highlighted will begin the search or replace. - The title of the dialog box will indicate whether or not you are beginning a search or replace. - If you pressed Shift F5 (Found List), the dialog box automatically comes up with [x] Find All checked, otherwise its the same as a Find. Setting 'Find All' on means you want a list of ALL occurrences of the search string, either in the current window, all windows of even all files in this directory, or all files in this directory and all subdirectories; see 'Calling Find from Chooser', below. - If you press Alt-R(eplace), instead of 'Find All', the second button look like [ ] Replace All checking this button will replace all occurrences of string 1 with string 2. Further if [x] All Windows is checked, all occurrences EVERYWHERE will be changed. Please use caution! Enter a value in the 'Replace With' area. Please note that a NULL (empty) 'Replace With' is a VALID replacement. You may be trying to delete part of every string. If you leave the 'Replace With' area empty, pE will ask for a confirmation of your intent. - NOTE: If you mark an area, do a replace all and don't like the result, alt-0 (zero) undoes the replace. This will only work in a single window and only as long as you have memory. - You begin the Search or Replace with Ctrl+Enter anytime after you have entered the necessary information. - NOTE: Any macros which did a DefineFind in previous versions of pE, need to be rewritten to accommodate the Ctrl-Enter exit rather than just Enter. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Calling Find from the Chooser³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ pE will search through files finding any text you are looking for. The files can be any of the recognized formats, ie þ WordPerfect þ Word for Windows þ Word for DOS þ AmiPro þ Windows Write or just plain ASCII Text. pE ignores most files whose formats are not one of the above. From the File Chooser (Alt-O(pen), Alt-V(iew), Alt-E(dit), simply press F5 (or whatever key you have assigned to DefineFind (Alt-F is default). From the Chooser, the buttons have a slightly different meaning: - Find All means build a list of EVERY occurrence of the search string, so the entire file is scanned. If Find All is left off, then only the FIRST occurrence is noted. As you would expect, this is a faster search. - Load all Matches only has effect from the file chooser. If set, any files meeting the search criteria will be automatically loaded into pE in separate windows. - Load all Matches and Find All are mutually exclusive. If you set one, the other will be unset. - All windows has no effect from the file chooser. - Backward has no effect from the file chooser. - Search SubDirs, if set will search not only in the current directory, but in all subdirectories of the current directory. If at the root directory, IT WILL SEARCH THE ENTIRE DRIVE. - Mask: allows you to search a category of files, like *.txt, or *.doc, or *.wp, or even pe*.* (all files beginning with the letters pe. It is much faster to specify a narrowing mask; if you leave it *.*, pE will look at all files EXCEPT for files that have extensions which are obviously binary. (.exe,.obj,.dll,...). The default setting is whatever you came into the chooser with. - [x] Find All builds a found list by writing to a file named FND.$$$. When the search finishes, FND.$$$ is read into a pE window and DELETED (if completely read). Files starting with the character '~~' and having extensions of '.$$$' are deleted when read by pE. This means that you must do a save to a different name if you wish to keep these files. The directory used for FND.PED is the one pointed to by the setting of the TMP environment variable. If TMP doesn't point anywhere, the current directory is used. This is important to know only because if FND.$$$ is NOT completely read in, it is NOT deleted and you may want to delete it if TMP is on permanent media. - A search may be interrupted at any time by pressing ESC (escape). ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Mark words with a mouse³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ If you hold the Alt key down while you click (left button) on a word, the word will be highlighted (marked). Pressing F5 will 'capture' this text and automatically begin a search. Even if not found, this is a good way to get complicated text into the 'Search For' part of the dialog window. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³View Only Windows³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ View only windows are no longer a special color. Instead the 'File Modified' symbol on the status line is a 'í' instead of an '*'. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Text conversion³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ pE has been enhanced to read all the major Word Processing formats. This release include the ability to read and convert to 'straight' ASCII, the following formats: WordPerfect 5.1, 5.2 for DOS & Windows MicroSoft Word for Windows 1.0 & 2.0 MicroSoft Word for DOS 5.0 & 5.5 AMI Pro for Windows 2.0 & 3.0 MicroSoft Windows 3.1 Write No special action is required of the user. pE simply determines what format is required and converts appropriately. Most formatting, including table layouts, is lost. What remains is the ASCII text present in the document. Tabs are detabbed using an interval of 5 spaces for word processing files, and whatever the detab setting for ASCII documents. (usually 8). Long Lines (longer than the right margin setting of Paragraph Format) are wrapped to column 1 on input if WrapLines (see below) is on. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³WrapLines³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Command line switch /l or L has been added. L for long lines. pE will wrap long lines at the right margin setting of Paragraph Format (see Option menu). This is very handy when converting from Word Processors which write out paragraphs as a single line. If you read in a file which has these long (sometimes thousands of bytes) lines, simply call up the option set menu (Alt-tab) and turn on WrapLines. You may alternatively press Ctrl-(grey)+. All of the options in the option settings menu are now saved and restored from env.ped when saved. Release 3.05 - July 4, 1993 ------------ A number of relatively minor anomalies have been corrected. - Page Down now works correctly after a file is minimized, then maximized. - Any number of files (but less than 40) may be opened from the command line, separated by commas, up to the dos command line length limit. - pE now correctly opens files without extensions from the command line. - default path is provided along with default name of "NO_NAME" when a new window is opened. - If the first character typed in response to a prompt on the status line is a 'del' key, the status line is cleared - Shift + numeric pad arrow keys no longer mark text unless the Num Lock key is activated. With the number of 101 key keyboards, it is felt that the 'grey' arrow keys shifted is sufficient. This allows the numeric key pad to be used to enter numbers by holding the shift key down (which was the intended use). Note that shift and any of the 'grey' arrow keys will mark text. Also ^K_K will begin and end a stream block. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Wordstar Switch³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Added /w as a command line switch. When invoked, /w strips the high bit (sets to 0) so that graphic characters used by WordStar are reset to normal characters. There is no corresponding toggle within pE. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Options Menu³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Added an options menu. You can get to it from the Options pull down menu or by pressing the assigned key. Key.txt (and .ped) have been modified to assign Alt-tab to this function. Once the menu is presented, position to the desired option and press ENTER. A check mark appears (or disappears) to the left of the option indicating ON/OFF status. When you have finished setting options, press ESC. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Visible Spaces³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ^Ins will toggle visible spaces on/off. When on, space characters are replaced with the current 'visible' space character (default value is decimal 250 [ú]. The default can be changed with the command line switch 'e'. /e:n n = decimal value of character to be used when displaying blanks [default is 250 'ú']. If you would like to just make spaces visible but not change the default value then use /e: Please note the colon is necessary in order to read subsequent command line options (like the filename or filespec ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Leave Blanks³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Alt-Ins (the grey Ins, not the 0 on numpad) will toggle leave blanks on. Normal behavior for pE is to trim blanks from the end of lines. This means you cannot create a file having blanks after non-blank characters. Which of course, also means you cannot create a file having blank lines (lines consisting of only blanks. Now comes the 'Anders' option, named after the first requester. Command line switch 'a' (for anders) will leave trailing blanks alone. As usual, any command line option may be set 'permanently' by including the PED environment variable: In AUTOEXEC.BAT SET PED=C:\PE /a /.... This would mean 'do not trim spaces' each time pE is invoked. Of course, one can also create batch files with different combinations of switches for different purposes. Release 3.04 - May 18, 1993 ------------ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Opening Files³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ pE will edit a file (put an existing file into a new window) through the simple means of you typing the file name (full filespec if needed) on a line by itself and pressing Alt-I (include). ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Multiple file open³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ pE will accept a list of files to open on the command line formatted as follows: pe file1.ext,file2,ext,file3.ext If this form of command line is used, then any line number entered after the filename is ignored. Any files in the list that cannot be opened are bypassed and ignored without message. Files are opened with windows minimized, except for the last file, which is opened in a full window. If you want to open a group of files consistently, it is much easier (at least less to type) to enter the filenames into a file named list.ped and to open using the @; see below @ command. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³QuickExit&Save³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ QuickExit&Save (Alt-Q) will write each modified file back to the same name and exit. It no longer prompts for files other than the current. IF YOU DO NOT INTEND TO SAVE ALL CHANGED FILES use Alt-X (Exit). Exit will prompt for each file changed before exiting. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³AllWindows³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ AllWindows is a toggle which determines the boundary of find and search/replace. When on, any find will continue to look for the "find" string in other windows. Windows are searched in number sequence. If the search direction is forward, then the next higher window number is jumped to and searched starting with the first line and proceeding to the end of the file. If the search direction is backwards, then the next lower window number is jumped to and searched beginning with the last line moving towards the top of the file. When all windows have been searched, the search stops. Replace will replace across all windows at once. BE CAREFUL. This is real power!!! Make sure of what you're changing before you change everywhere. One way to do that is to use pE's FoundList command; see below. You may now open 40 files at one time, memory allowing. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³With pEp this is almost never a problem. (see "order.frm")³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Hint. Keeping a file minimized saves 8K of memory per window. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³FoundList³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ pE will now create a "found list" and put it into a new window named "FIND.PED". The format of the found list is the filename in which pE found the string, the line number and the string. By positioning your cursor on any of the found items, pE will jump to the window and line number of the find string. It is very fast and will work in a single window or against all window depending on the setting of AllWindows; see above. There must be at least one available (unopened) window for foundlist to work. Foundlist differs from find in that it always searches beginning with the first line and proceeding to the last in each file, regardless of the cursor location. In addition it references only the first occurrence of a string on the line, rather that repeating the same line over for successive occurrences. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Key.txt³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Key.txt has received a work over. Many comments have been added along with a few key changes. As usual, the latest key definitions are found dynamically assigned in the command window (F1) and in the help text of each pull down menu. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³The @ command.³(on the command line) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ pE will now open all files in a file list. 1. Create a file with the files you wish to open you can simply type the names into pE and save the file as list.ped. (what you call it is optional) you may use the DOS dir command with the > symbol to create the file list, i.e. dir *.c /b >list.ped would cause a list of all the files having an extension of 'c' to be listed into list.ped. Please note the /b, it is necessary to cause DOS to not leave spaces between the file name and extension. If you use 4DOS, you don't need the /b. 2. execute pe by typing pe @[name] by default, when pe sees the @ alone, it will open list.ped and proceed to open each file therein in a different window, until it runs low on memory (when there is 12K left) or it runs out of windows (40). If you wish to use a different file list, simply type the name after the @, i.e., pe @proj All files, except the last, will be opened as minimized windows. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³JumpPrev³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ You can now cycle forward or backward through the window chain. Pressing JumpPrev (F2) will jump to the window numbered one less than the current window. When a window is closed, the window numbered one less is made the active window. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³JumpZoom³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Pressing F12 (shift F12) will tell you JumpZoom is ON. Pressing again will tell you its OFF. When JumpZoom is ON and you push the JumpNext (or Prev) key, the current window is minimized, the jump occurs and the new window is maximized. In other words if all of your windows are minimized and you want to go from one to another, this is a way in which you can minimize the use of memory and still have up to 40 files open at once. When JumpZoom is OFF, JUMP will simply take you to the next window, and not affect its size. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Minimize/Maximize³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The right mouse button double clicked on the top border of a window will either minimize or maximize the window depending on in current state. Just double click anywhere left of the right edge - 1. You may also click once with the left button and follow that with a click of the right button. Just don't move the mouse in between clicks. The control menu is gone. It was superfluous, unneeded and a pain. Pressing Alt Space bar produces a space. If you click on the 'control' gadget, the window will close. All of the functions available under the control menu are available through key strokes, mouse clicks or the command window. If anyone out there really cares, let me know. When running under WINDOWS, you can now reach WINDOWS control menu with Alt Space bar. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³UnDo Paragraph³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ If you align paragraph (Alt-a) and don't like the result, press ^F10. The lines involved will be restored as they were before you aligned the paragraph. We're still working on a general UnDo. Release 3.03 - April 7, 1993 ------------ By popular demand, I removed the timer on the alt key. It was confusing/annoying and unpopular. Its gone. Go to the menu with Alt+Shift or Shift F1. /m is gone also. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Align Paragraph and Drawbox³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ When Alt + Shift was implemented to activate the menu, pE was no longer able to confirm paragraph alignment with Alt + Shift A. Similarly, drawbox could no longer redefine box styles 6 - 9 with Alt + Shift + (6,..9). This has been remedied in this release through the use of the Ctrl key. To temporarily change paragraph formats, use Alt + Ctrl + A. To change the definition of box styles 6 through 9, use Alt + Ctrl + 6 thru 9. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Calendar³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Alt-F2 brings up a calendar. (Calendar is also in the edit menu). Page Down advances a year at a time, Page Up goes back a year. The arrow keys advance/retract a month at a time. Left, Up go back, Right, Down go forward. The calendar window cannot be sized, maxed or minimized, but can be moved wherever its convenient. The calendar is accurate for dates between 100 ad and 14000 ad. Control Page Up will restore the date to the current date (system date). Pressing Alt-L(linemark) while in the calendar, followed by Control-End(pagebottom) will mark the lines in the calendar. Pressing the grey* will then copy the current month to the scrap. Now you can paste that month into any window. Note that when you start marking again in the calendar the first line marked will now be the bottom line so that you will have to press Control-Home (pagetop) to mark from the bottom to the top of the calendar. Using this method you can construct a calendar for any year, from any month to any month. Release 3.02 - February 9, 1993 ------------ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Menu Key³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Alt + Shift will access the menu immediately. Shift + F1 will also access the menu immediately. The menu can also be gotten to by pressing ALT and holding for approximately 1 second. Once the menu comes up you can press the first key of the options F, E, S, W, O or H. You can adjust the amount of time you must hold the alt key down with the command line option /m:d where d is the delaytime in seconds. (whole numbers only). A delay time of 0 causes the menu to come up instantly, but prevents you from using the Alt key commands. Please note that the environment variable PED can be set so that pE will always use whatever command line variables are set therein. For example SET PED=C:\PE /m:2 placed in autoexec.bat tells pe that its home directory is c:\pe and that it is to use a menu delay time of 2 seconds (default is 1). See the docs for other command line choices. Setting a large delay time (like 10 seconds) effectively turns off this capability. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Control Menu³ *** killed later  *** ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ pE now has a control menu like WINDOWS. Pressing Alt + Spacebar (or clicking what used to be the close gadget), will pull the control menu down. Control menus belong to windows, so each window has one. The menu choices in the control menu are: þ Move - will move the current window (but only if there's somewhere to move it. þ Size - sizes the current window. þ Minimize - reduces window to minimum size þ Maximize - makes window as large as possible þ Close - closes the window. þ Switch to - the same as the Jump List command. (switches to another window). ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Minimize & Maximize³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Two new commands, minimize and maximize were added to make it very easy to control window size. The advantage to minimizing a window is that the a significant amount of memory is made available. Zoom will toggle the state of a window size when it is small or large. Sizing a window to its maximum size set's 'both' sizes of a window to max. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Stack(Windows)³- new option under Window menu. ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ StackWindows will stack all windows to their minimum (or maximum) sizes. It is a toggle. It is assigned to the F12 key. Those of you who have the old style keyboards will have to assign it to some other key. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ASCII chart³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The ASCII chart was completely redone to be more useful and easier to read. Calling up the chart will pop up a window with a line devoted to each of 255 (out of 256) ASCII characters. (0 - nul, is not present). The highlight is placed on the last character it was on when you first called the ASCII chart up. (The first time its starts at 1, the control character A (). By using the arrow and page keys, you can position to any character you wish. Of course, you can also position with the mouse. Once you have selected the character you wish to use, pressing ENTER causes that character to be entered into the last window at the row and col the cursor was on. Pressing ENTER again will enter the character again. ESCaping from the ASCII window will close it. So will the normal window close (alt-k) command. When the ASCII window is closed (by any means), the character under the highlight is assigned to LASTASCII, which I have defined to be the (`) backward apostrophe (tilde?). Anyway, subsequent to the ASCII chart making this assignment, each press of the ` key will get you whatever ASCII character was assigned. If you regularly have use for that key, then I suggest you assign the command LastAscii to some other key. The ASCII window will insert a character into the window defined just before it, only when it is "active". It is active when the border is double and the title ASCII is the same color as the background of the window. If a column block is defined (and visible) in the window before the ASCII chart is selected, the character selected from the ASCII chart is used to fill the block. You are prompted for permission to fill the block first. If you select FillBlock (^K-F), the ASCII chart pops up to provide you with the entire range of ASCII characters to choose from. The window the ASCII chart is in does not participate in stacking (up or down) or cascading, but can be individually minimized, maximized or sized. There isn't much point in making it wider, although making it higher will allow you to see more characters at once. Note that the F2 key will leave the ASCII chart open and advance to the 'next' window. If only two windows are open, the F2 key will shift the focus from one to the other. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Zoom Gadgets³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The zoom gadget has been reworked to only appear if there are two defined sizes of a window. The zoom character is an arrow pointing either up or down. If it points up, when clicked the window will get bigger. If it points down, when clicked, the window will get smaller. Release 3.01 - January 11, 1993 ------------ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ºAnnouncing pEpº ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ I am pleased to announce the availability of pE - Professional. pEp is the protected mode version of pE. This means that it can use all the memory in your computer. It also means that under Windows 3.1 (in enhanced mode) it will virtualize memory to 16MB (presuming you have sufficient disk). Registering pE allows you to purchase pEp at a discounted price. pEp will not be available through normal shareware channels, but only to registered pE users! You must have a 80286 (or better) with > 1 meg of memory to run pEp. You may evaluate a copy of pEp by filling in the registration form and mailing it in with a check or money order for $5 (+shipping). Registering pE will allow you to request a demo copy of pEp for no additional charge. Previous pE registrants may upgrade their versions of pE to the current version and purchase pEp for an upgrade price of $29 (+shipping). ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Tab Key in Hex mode³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The Tab key now toggles back between the ASCII portion and HEX portion of a HEX display. Back Tab will go from ASCII to HEX as well. The cursor is a block in HEX mode. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ToggleDecHex³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ New command, ToggleDecHex, allows the offsets along the first column of the hex display to go from hexadecimal to decimal. While in decimal mode, you can jump to any decimal offset within the file. Who likes doing hexadecimal arithmetic, anyway? I've assigned Shift F9 as the key. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Scroll Bar³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The scroll bar has been changed to work like everyone else's. (almost). I couldn't resist putting some gadgets in the status line which work like my old scroll bar did. The double arrow means that if you click with the left button the window scrolls one way, with the right button it scrolls the other way. The beauty of these gadgets are that if you get rid of the borders, you still have a way to scroll and zoom with the mouse. While the top scroll gadget (and now bottom) work with the left mouse button the way you would expect, the opposite action will occur if you click with the opposite mouse button. If you press the left button on the top gadget, the file scroll up (the arrow point up), if you press the left button on the bottom gadget the file scrolls down. The right button depressed on either of these gadgets reverses the action of the left button. Clicking left anywhere above the "thumb" will cause a page up, below the thumb a page down. If you hold the mouse button down, you will continue to page the file in the direction started until you release the button. It's much easier to use than to explain. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Time Display³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The time now displays in the right hand corner of the menu bar. It is visible any time the menubar is visible. If you pay attention to it, you will notice that the colon flashes once a second. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Count of Files³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The number of files and directories in the current chooser window is displayed in the lower right portion of the chooser border. History prior to this point may be requested from Author.